KonigOutdoor Kitchens

KönigOut­door cre­ate bespoke out­door kitchen fur­ni­ture using lux­u­ri­ous sin­tered stone sur­faces to pro­vide a styl­ish yet extreme­ly durable solu­tion for out­door liv­ing.

Each KönigOut­door kitchen is made to order in the UK, allow­ing you to design your dream out­door kitchen with­out com­pro­mise and ensur­ing expert advice is always on hand. KönigOut­door love to col­lab­o­rate with designs and have many times pro­vid­ed solu­tions to over­come chal­lenges where oth­er out­door kitchen sup­pli­ers were unable to help. 

We have matched our unique design with mar­ket lead­ing appli­ances and fin­ish­es, cre­at­ing a won­der­ful­ly refined out­door space to come togeth­er with friends and family.

8 Torridge Close
Telford Way Industrial Estate
Kettering NN16 8PY

We have a growing network of KönigOutdoor partners so please contact us for the details of your nearest showroom.
Made In Britain