About Us

About Us


KönigOut­door is part of König­stone, now one of the UK’s most pop­u­lar kitchen work­top mate­ri­als. The brand was estab­lished in 2005 and based at that time on over 25 years spe­cif­ic expe­ri­ence pro­vid­ing Quartz and Gran­ite for high qual­i­ty inter­nal sur­faces in kitchens and bathrooms.

With­in the last decade, the trade saw the intro­duc­tion of sin­tered stone or ceram­ic slab, cre­at­ed by apply­ing extreme heat and pres­sure to bond a mix of raw mate­ri­als togeth­er. The result is large for­mat slabs with min­i­mal thick­ness that are resis­tant to extreme tem­per­a­ture, UV ray resis­tant, water­proof and scratch resis­tant. The Konig­stone team imme­di­ate­ly iden­ti­fied the ben­e­fit of this prod­uct and added it to their devel­op­ing range of materials. 

Over recent years König­stone have seen an increase in demand for their Gran­ite mate­ri­als for out­door appli­ca­tions. There were not many suit­able mate­ri­als avail­able for work­tops as stain­ing and frost could be a prob­lem. Sin­tered stone slab pro­vid­ed the per­fect answer for this expand­ing mar­ket. It’s ver­sa­til­i­ty and designs are ide­al for that high­er lev­el of fin­ish with­out com­pro­mise, allow­ing dis­cern­ing cus­tomers to have the mar­ble or con­crete look outdoor. 

As a result, KönigOut­door was devel­oped to pro­vide a com­plete out­door kitchen range of qual­i­ty; styl­ish enough to be indoor yet tough enough to with­stand the ele­ments out­door. Stone work­tops, doors and cladding pan­els com­bine with weath­er­proof cup­boards, struc­ture and fin­ish­ings. Mar­ket-lead­ing spe­cialised appli­ances and occa­sion­al inte­gra­tion of nat­ur­al cedar wood give a tru­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed solu­tion for mod­ern out­door living.

8 Torridge Close
Telford Way Industrial Estate
Kettering NN16 8PY

We have a growing network of KönigOutdoor partners so please contact us for the details of your nearest showroom.
Made In Britain