Features and Benefits

Combining luxurious sintered stone surfaces with a durable weatherproof structure.

Features and Benefits

Made in Britain

Each KönigOut­door kitchen is made-to-order by us and we are proud to be mem­bers of Made in Britain. 

We love to col­lab­o­rate with home­own­ers and design­ers to cre­ate bespoke designs and solu­tions to deliv­er unique out­door liv­ing spaces.

We pro­vide true flex­i­bil­i­ty of design as our cab­i­netry can be made to many sizes, to fit your cho­sen appli­ances and to accept gas, water and elec­tri­cal services. 

Expert advice is always on hand, from design to instal­la­tion and after­care. Plus you can be sure of the sup­ply chain and nod to the envi­ron­ment with min­i­mal trans­port costs.

Extremely Durable Sintered Stone

Sol­id doors, work sur­faces and cladding pan­els are made from sin­tered stone. This stone prod­uct not only exudes ele­gance and lux­u­ry but has the per­fect char­ac­ter­is­tics to with­stand the British weath­er due to its high resis­tance to scratch­ing, heat, stain­ing and UV Light. Unlike some mate­ri­als used to make out­door kitchens, it will not dis­colour, warp or rot and requires no treat­ment or seal­ing to maintain. 

Your out­door kitchen will not only look excep­tion­al but will be a joy to share with friends and fam­i­ly for years to come.

Features and Benefits
Features and Benefits

Weatherproof Structure

All car­cass­es are made using a high-qual­i­ty weath­er­proof com­pos­ite board that boasts the abil­i­ty to with­stand damp ingress for 50 years above ground and 25 years in ground. It is fin­ished with a wipe-clean sur­face to make main­te­nance a sim­ple pleasure.

Cup­board sup­port is pro­vid­ed by strong, weath­er­proof, adjustable lev­el­ling legs. Plinths are sup­plied in either pol­ished black gran­ite for the float­ing look or match­ing sin­tered stone.

10 Year Warranty

We have a pas­sion for what we do and believe that you will be delight­ed with your KönigOut­door kitchen. To back our belief, we are pleased to offer a 10-year lim­it­ed war­ran­ty on our KönigOut­door kitchen cabinetry.

All com­po­nent parts of our cab­i­netry are sourced from care­ful­ly select­ed and approved suppliers. 

Any third par­ty appli­ances are sub­ject to the war­ran­ty peri­od and terms giv­en by the manufacturer.

Features and Benefits

8 Torridge Close
Telford Way Industrial Estate
Kettering NN16 8PY

We have a growing network of KönigOutdoor partners so please contact us for the details of your nearest showroom.
Made In Britain