
To provide inspiration, here are the standard finish options for the internal and external of our KönigOutdoor kitchen cabinetry.

Internal Cabinet Colours

We have listed 6 popular colours below but our internal cabinets can be made in any RAL colour at no extra cost.

The internal cabinetry is made from high-qual­i­ty weath­er­proof com­pos­ite board, fin­ished in a wipe-clean sur­face to make main­te­nance a sim­ple pleasure.

Silver Grey
Silver Grey
Earth Red
Earth Red

External Finishes

We have teamed up with market leading brands Neolith and Konigstone to provide the ultimate in high-end design for the outer surfaces of our cabinetry.

We have selected the below finishes to give a range of effects including classic marble, contemporary concrete and natural wood.

Sintered stone is the perfect material to withstand life outdoors due to its high resis­tance to scratch­ing, heat, stain­ing and UV Light. It also requires minimal maintenance and is easy to clean, providing a hygienic usable surface for food preparation and service.

Neolith Pietra Di Osso Silk
Neolith Pietra Di Osso Silk
Neolith Iron Grey Satin
Neolith Iron Grey Satin
Neolith Calatorao Silk
Neolith Calatorao Silk
Neolith Basalt Grey Satin
Neolith Basalt Grey Satin
Neolith Strata Argentum Riverwashed
Neolith Strata Argentum Riverwashed
Neolith Zaha Stone Silk
Neolith Zaha Stone Silk
Neolith Estatuario Silk
Neolith Estatuario Silk
Neolith Beton Silk
Neolith Beton Silk
KonigCeramic Nordic Timber
KonigCeramic Nordic Timber
KonigCeramic Montpellier
KonigCeramic Montpellier
KonigCeramic Calacatta Antico
KonigCeramic Calacatta Antico
KonigCeramic Blanco Eclipsia
KonigCeramic Blanco Eclipsia
KonigCeramic Calacatta Colorado
KonigCeramic Calacatta Colorado
KonigCeramic Calacatta Classico
KonigCeramic Calacatta Classico
KonigCeramic Pietra Grey
KonigCeramic Pietra Grey
KonigCeramic Blanco Luna
KonigCeramic Blanco Luna

A variety of different materials can also be incorporated into a KönigOutdoor kitchen.

Work Surfaces


Includ­ing wood high­lights such as Cedar Wood as a back pan­el or table sup­port can add warmth and nat­ur­al beauty. 

Work Surfaces


Choos­ing a Gran­ite work­top is per­fect for adding inter­est­ing tex­tures and vein­ing to an out­door kitchen.

Work Surfaces


For a more tra­di­tion­al look, a KönigOut­door kitchen can be installed against an exist­ing brick or stone wall, with the wall act­ing as back or side panels.

Work Surfaces


Tech­noWood is a real tim­ber veneer wrapped over alu­mini­um which pro­vides the nat­ur­al look of wood pan­elling with increased dura­bil­i­ty and low maintenance.

8 Torridge Close
Telford Way Industrial Estate
Kettering NN16 8PY

We have a growing network of KönigOutdoor partners so please contact us for the details of your nearest showroom.
Made In Britain