Outdoor Kitchen Design Options

We design and manufacture bespoke cabinetry to create your perfect outdoor kitchen without compromise

alongside a range of stan­dard size units that pro­vide inspiration and create a vari­ety of con­fig­u­ra­tions.

Outdoor Kitchen Styles

Outdoor Kitchen Design Options

Classic Outdoor Kitchen (with handles)

Our clas­sic style out­door kitchen fea­tures sin­tered stone doors 

and draw­er fronts that include handles.

We have select­ed a col­lec­tion of durable han­dles, suit­able for out­door use, avail­able in a range of styles and finishes.

Clas­sic Out­door Kitchen with cab­i­netry clad in Neolith Zaha Silk.
Appli­ances include the Baraz­za COV­ER LAB 316 sink and Kama­do Joe Clas­sic III Stand­alone Grill.

Handle-less Outdoor Kitchen

Our han­dle-less out­door kitchen fea­tures stone-front­ed doors 

and draw­ers with a han­dle-less rail system.

This is the per­fect option for cre­at­ing a stream­lined and 

con­tem­po­rary look.

Han­dle-less Out­door Kitchen with door fronts in Neolith Iron Corten and work sur­faces and
plinths in Neolith Nero Zim­bab­we. Appli­ances include the Blast­cool XP1 glass door fridge
and Alfa Forni Nano piz­za oven.
Outdoor Kitchen Design Options

Work Surfaces

Work Surfaces

Work Surfaces

Every kitchen is sup­plied with a match­ing 12mm thick sin­tered stone work surface.

Your work sur­face will be joint­ed (if nec­es­sary) in the most aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing way to suit your design.

Work Surfaces

Built-up Work Surfaces

We can also cre­ate sin­tered stone work­tops with built-up edges to give the look of a mono­lith­ic sur­face up to 100 mm thick.

Work Surfaces


Extra deep over­hangs of 250mm can be spec­i­fied on any set of units to pro­vide a styl­ish bar-style seat­ing area for your guests.

Plinths and Panels

Work Surfaces


Plinths come in a black gran­ite fin­ish as standard.

Match­ing sin­tered stone plinths are also available.

Work Surfaces

End Panels

Sin­tered stone end pan­els pro­vide a smart solu­tion when the end of a unit is visible.

Work Surfaces

Back Panels

If your out­door kitchen is free­stand­ing, a sin­tered stone back pan­el can be added.

All burn­er units have a vent­ed back pan­el to allow air flow.

Internal Options

Work Surfaces

Internal Shelving

Our door front­ed cab­i­netry comes with a sin­gle shelf, craft­ed using a high-qual­i­­ty weath­er­proof com­pos­ite board and fin­ished with a wipe-clean surface.

Work Surfaces

Internal Drawers

For con­ve­nient stor­age, inter­nal draw­ers can be added inside of a door front­ed cab­i­net. Draw­ers will be colour coor­di­nat­ed to your cho­sen inter­nal cab­i­net finish.

Work Surfaces

Pull-Out Bin

To keep your out­door kitchen tidy, we can cre­ate a pull-out bin for the inter­nal of a door front­ed cabinet.

Work Surfaces

Slide-Out Gas Bottle Ledge

For those wish­ing to fuel their grill with a gas bot­tle, we have designed a slide-out ledge to allow easy access.

Work Surfaces

Drawer Inserts

To keep your out­door kitchen draw­ers tidy and organ­ised, we can cre­ate wood­en draw­er inserts for cut­lery and utensils.

Appliance Housing

Work Surfaces

Inset Grills

Inset grills can be set into the work sur­face of our kitchen cab­i­netry and can accept a mains gas feed or pro­vide stor­age for an LPG gas bottle.

Work Surfaces

Built-in Grills

Our cab­i­netry to house built-in grills can make the appli­ance seam­less­ly blend in to your out­door kitchen by com­pli­ment­ing the lines of the grills con­trol panel. 

Work Surfaces

Kamado Grills

To incor­po­rate a Kama­do style grill into your out­door kitchen, we can expert­ly mould the work­top around the grill and cre­ate a raised angled unit.

Work Surfaces

Pizza Ovens

For those includ­ing a wood-fired piz­za oven, we can cre­ate cab­i­netry with space for con­ve­nient log stor­age underneath.

Work Surfaces

Free Standing Appliances

Free stand­ing appli­ances such as fridges can be per­fect­ly incor­po­rat­ed into your out­door kitchen with a frame either side and work sur­face above.

Work Surfaces

Sinks and Taps

We can cre­ate cut-outs in the work sur­face for sinks and taps, with the inter­nal cab­i­netry designed to accept a mains fresh and waste water feed, allow­ing a func­tion­ing out­door sink.

Work Surfaces

External Power Sockets

If you require elec­tri­cal sock­ets in your out­door kitchen, we can pro­vide safe hous­ing for exter­nal pow­er sock­ets, even in an island unit.

8 Torridge Close
Telford Way Industrial Estate
Kettering NN16 8PY

We have a growing network of KönigOutdoor partners so please contact us for the details of your nearest showroom.
Made In Britain